Greetings Community, In this new post I will introduce about PAPUSHA project, and for more details let's just go to the following discussion.

What is Papusha A.I. ?
Papusha A.I. is the one of the brightest representatives of the legendary USSR national school of the rocket and space industry, as well as a student and follower of the brilliant engine developer for spacecraft, V.P. Glushko.
During the development of the Soviet space program "Energia-Buran" an engine was created, which burns 10 tons of fuel for 10 seconds. Testing of the engine was very dangerous for the entire Moscow region ecology. Papusha A.I. created a unique complex, which was built in Khimki, Moscow area.
Basic module in Khimki
This complex allowed to fully neutralize harmful emissions and to tests the created engine near the development site.
The transonic combustion innovation had been applied for the first time for the utilization of the combustion products from a large rocket engine. Further innovation progress has opened prospects for solving the most urgent environmental problems. This technology is included in the list of UNEP "Survey of Currently Available Non-Incineration PCB Destruction Technologies" (First Issue, August 2000) under the name of the author of "Papusha Rocket Technology" (PRT),Read Whitepaper
How Does it Work

Countries and companies engaged in refining, will receive the following advantages, using the Papusha Rocket Technology:
obtain liquid goods from unused raw materials;
environment improvement;
highly efficient processing of heavy oil, etc..
Photo of the operating pilot plant in Dolgoprudny, Moscow region

What is Papusha Rocket ICO ?
Papusha Rocket ICO - is the latest technology to destroy oil refineries residues around the world. Instead of destroying flora and fauna, refineries get gasoline and diesel fuel for selling.
PRT ICO produces small-capacity oil refining units to process black oil fuel and produce liquid fuel by using the transonic combustion technology. Every day refineries worldwide generate 1.35 million tons of residues. Depending on its capacity, one PRT-2 unit processes 30-90 tons of wastes per day. The market requires dozens of thousands of PRT-2 units.
It is important to mention that it goes about recycling of new residues only, which allows not to cause additional pollution of our planet. Processing of the accumulated deposits and lakes requires the volume that is several times higher than this.
Papusha Rocket ICOis based on three main components:
The patented transonic combustion technology (included in the list of UNEP “Survey of Currently Available Non-Incineration PCB Destruction Technologies” (First Issue, August 2000) under the author’s name “Papusha Rocket Technology” (PRT)).
Conversion development based on of high-tech solutions used for rocket and space and aviation equipment.
Own scientific and methodical developments in the rocket and space and aviation areas. Design documentation executed by representatives of the defense industry, experimental base and experience of industrial use of transonic combustion for extreme terms and conditions of neutralizing highly toxic substances.
Papusha's goal
Our common goal is to maintain and improve the ecological situation of all over the world for us and our children.
PRT unit developed by Academician Papusha
Small dimensions
Low cost of creation and operation
Equipment reliability
High efficiency and quick payback period
Universality and autonomy
Details of ICO
- Date : August 22 - October 22
- Token name : PRT
- Blockchain : Ethereum
- Standart : ERC20
- Minimum amount : 100 PRT
- Soft Cap : no
- Hard Cap : 13,500 ETH
- Accepted : ETH
- Total tokens : 100,000,000
- Available for sale : 75%
- Price of the token : 1 ETH = 3,500 PRT
- "Private Sale" : 01.06.2018 - 22.08.2018
- ICO : 22.08.2018 - 22.10.2018
- Token name : PRT
- Blockchain : Ethereum
- Standart : ERC20
- Hard Cap : 13500 ETH
- Total amount of tokens : 100 000 000
- Available for sale : 75%
- Price per token : 1 ETH = 3500 PRT
PRT tokens allocation

Beginning of scientific calculations on processing oil products,
Testing the technology at the base stand in Dolgoprudny, and
Testing completed successfully, further development and improvement of the technology.
2017Completion of calculations, systematization of the obtained results,
Preparing a business plan, searching for partners.
2018, Quarter 1Preparation for ICO:
Forming a team, registration of technical documentation,
Developing a smart contract and a token economy.
2018, Quarter 2ICO launch:
Marketing campaign,
Carrying out a private sales round.
2018, Quarter 3Papusha Rocket Technology ICO,
Introduction of the PRT token to exchanges, and
Development of maintenance documentation.
2018, Quarter 4Manufacture and purchase of necessary equipment and components,
Creating and configuring the first PRT-2-30 unit, and
Certification, obtaining technical specifications for connection.
Launch of mass production of PRT-2 units, first sales,
Development of modules for processing of brown coal, and
Work on adapting and implementing a gas generator that provides cheap electricity for mining.
Team of developers and scientists

The project started in the 1980s. The technology was developed for the needs of the Soviet space program. Hundreds of millions of dollars were spent to test and create a complex to neutralize emissions of the Buran engine. However, in the future, after the collapse of the USSR, funding was cut off, and the Buran program was frozen.Since then, A.I. Papusha managed to find a new use of his technology that is highly demanded today. Our roadmap shows the main stages of the project development.
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Author ; Joshon_jos
Bitcointalk profile URL ;;u=2109527
ETH address ; 0x7E70C5E5A01D1409f71eC1c278d29f545DEd5c71
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