The Blockchain is an encoded,dispersed database that records information or as it were it is a computerized record of any transactions,contracts that should be freely recorded.One of the key highlights of Blockchain is that this advanced record is open over a few a large number of PC and will undoubtedly be kept in a solitary place.
Blockchain chain has just begun disturbing the budgetary administrations segment and it is this innovation which supports the computerized money bitcoin transaction.With Blockchain innovation in monetary sector,the members can cooperate straightforwardly and can make exchanges over the web without the obstruction of an outsider.
Such exchanges through Blockchain won't share any close to home data with respect to the members and it makes an exchange record by scrambling the recognizing information.The most energizing element of Blockchain is that it significantly decreases the potential outcomes of an information rupture.
Interestingly with the customary processes,in Blockchain there are numerous mutual duplicates of similar information base which makes it trying to wage an information rupture assault or digital attack.With all the misrepresentation safe features,the square chain innovation holds the possibility to reform different business parts and make forms smarter,secure,transparent and increasingly productive contrasted with the conventional business forms.
Glyff is a decentralized online stage that empowers private esteem exchanges and gives programmable protection to shrewd contracts. Because of the Glyff stage the objective of a worldwide appropriated record with shrewd contract abilities and genuine protection is a bit nearer.
Glyff is a decentralized stage joining the blockchain and propelled zero-information cryptography with the objective of conveying protection safeguarding shrewd contracts and esteem transfers.Adding components from most recent cryptographic achievements to the Ethereum demonstrated design,Glyff balances information security and value-based security with computational efficiency,ultimately conveying an effortlessly programmable,high throughput savvy contract settlement layer up to big business level while implementing the center standards of the blockchain.
Private money exchanges with sender, recipient and amounts exchanged totally hidden.Guaranteed trustworthiness and solid namelessness properties by zero learning cryptography.Provides a stage for cross-industry arrangement of blockchain innovation fulfilling genuine requests.
Applications in Healthcare,Finance,IoT,e-Commerce,e-Governance will expand social profit by these sectors.Easily programmable brilliant contract framework with cutting edge security features.Cross-stage open source wallet application and designer structure
The key highlights of Glyff venture
- Private exchanges with sender,receiver and amounts exchanged totally covered up.
- Guaranteed respectability and solid secrecy properties by zero learning cryptography.
- Non-pro software engineers can create security centered applications,even without learning of cryptography.
- Enables brilliant contract use for decentralized applications that require private calculation and secure information.
As a piece of our project,we make a decentralized platform,which will have the capacity to guarantee the security of brilliant contracts in supreme privacy and ensured reliability.Glyff stage like Ethereum stage will permit to create different decentralized applications.However,it has a key component the capacity to conceal information from PC nodes.By utilizing Glyff platform,developers can join delicate information straightforwardly into their savvy contracts without bargaining their security.
So as to broaden private exchanges with programmable protection we actualize three new cryptographic natives from Hawk: freeze,compute and finish.
- The stop stage enables gatherings to submit information as well as private notes to the brilliant contract.Committed notes are solidified until the point when the last circulation is dictated by the execution of the private piece of the agreement.
- The process stage comprises in the administrator opening the submitted information and cash from the gatherings and applying it to the calculation to decide the result of the private program.
- Based on the result the director will develop new private notes for the beneficiaries at long last the supervisor presents the information to the blockchain for last verification,including the zeroknowledge confirmations of correctness,in this stage the recently solidified notes are appropriated to the planned beneficiary.
GLYFF Token and ICO
The Token is ticked as GLY TOKEN. It is ERC20 agreeable; it is made on Ethereum blockchain. The platform will disseminate its GLY tokens through TGE. 1 GLY will be sold at USD$0.11 amid pre - deal platform. The pre-clearance of the project is booked to start on the twentieth December, 2018 and will keep running for multi month until nineteenth January, 2019 with 25% markdown rate. After which the ICO of the task is planned to start on the twentieth February, 2018 and will keep running for multi month until 22nd March, 2019 in which 1 GLY will be sold at USD$0.13 amid this platform.
Decisively, the project is a decentralized protection platform for the cutting edge that empowers secure esteem exchanges and smart contract execution, in total secrecy and with solid accuracy ensures. Glyff, as Ethereum, permits improvement of decentralized applications, yet with a key distinction: the capacity of disguising information from the processing hubs. This empowers designers to incorporate delicate information in their shrewd contracts, transparency on-chain, without bargain on security.
Token Information and Distribution
Token: GLY
Token Type: ERC20
Initial distribution: 50,000,000 GLY
TGE (including pre-sale): 32,500,000 GLY
Glyff reserve: 7,500,000 GLY
Team and early contributors: 5,000,000 GLY
Community and strategic partners: 5,000,000 GLY

Pre-sale phase
Start date: 20 December 2018
End date: 19 January 2019
Token price: 0.11 USD
Discount :25%
Tokens for sale: 6,500,000
ICO phase
Start date: 20 February 2019
End date: 22 March 2019
Token price: 0.13 USD
Discount: None
Tokens for sale: 26,000,000
Project Milestone
Q2/3 2018
Research starts
Prototyping of MVP consensus node and wallet (Sprout)
Q3/4 2018
Consensus node and wallet (early release)
Private test-net launch
Q1/2 2019
Publication of the first whitepaper working draft (Sapling)
Token generation event
Development and code consolidation
Public test-net launch
Q2/3 2019
Programmable privacy
Security audit
Consensus node and wallet (stable release)
Q3/4 2019
Main-net launch
Developer toolchain and documentation
Mobile wallet (Android/iOS)

For more information, please visit link :
WEBSITE ; https://glyff.io/
WHITE PAPER ; https://glyff.io/files/glyff-wp.pdf
TELEGRAM ; https://t.me/glyffcommunity
TWITTER ; https://twitter.com/Glyff_io
FACEBOOK ; https://www.facebook.com/Glyff-353989662044849/
LINKEDIN ; https://linkedin.com/company/glyff
GITHUB ; https://github.com/Glyff
MEDIUM ; https://medium.com/@glyff_official

Author ; Joshon_jos
Bitcointalk profile URL ; https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2109527
ETH address ; 0x7E70C5E5A01D1409f71eC1c278d29f545DEd5c71
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